Sunday, February 22, 2009


2 years ago, in June, I found myself in Bandung under some of the most surprising circumstances. Representing Singapore in an U-21 PABF (Pacific Asia Bridge Federation) sanctioned event, whereby the top 3 teams of each age group, U-21 U-26 open teams ( 5-64 years of age) and seniors (65+) and the ladies team qualifies for the World Cup(in Bridge terms to put it simply.) Everyday for the entire duration of 14 days, we were busy playing cards from 9am-7pm with 2 breaks in between 1 for lunch, and 1's just an interval for the tabulation of scores. On the night of the first thursday, my teammates and I, were on our way back to our rooms, when my roommate decided to go check out the scores. Unwillingly i accompanied him to the playing hall and on the noticeboard next to the scores, I saw friday -0800hrs to 1100hrs 1st session, 1400hrs-1700hrs 2nd session. So i asked my roommate out of curiousity, "Hey how come there's only 2 sessions tomorrow? Is there a mistake?", and he replied," No I checked it on the schedule they printed it as 2 sessions only, if you think there's a mistake we can always check with the organisers tomorrow." We did just that the next day morning, (I must add waking up earlier took a toll on my performance in the morning =S) They told us the reason for the super long break in between the 2 sessions, was to cater to the muslims, as they needed to pray. Right, I totally forgot about that....

Fast forward 2 years, as I'm piecing my entry on groups, I couldn't help but think about this incident. Religion, is it really counted as a group? Definition for group -> A collection of individuals who, as a result of interacting with one another over time, become interdependent, developing shared patterns of behavior and a collective identity.
Sure, the homogenization of people who suscribe to their groups really fit in with the last portion of the description of a group, they do develop shared patterns of behavior(to a certain extent), and a collective identity.(at least the majority do) However does it fit the interdependent portion? What about interacting with one another over time? (It's a little hard to dispute the collection of individuals portion i guess) If religion is not counted as a group, why do people still acknowledge them as religious groups? Is this a layman's term for classification? Do people generally classify people who do things together, as a group? Hopefully I've managed to stir up some questions in your mind while you were reading this, to help you out further, let me give you my perspective of the, 'Is religion really a group issue.'

Let's take for example, Scientology. If you are unfamilar with this religion then Tom Cruise probably hasn't made much of an impact on your life, save perhaps the, 'Mission Impossible' re-runs you might have encountered on TV. Anyway, this religion borders around 500,000 strong, and is growing in popularity.
First created by American science fiction author L.Ron Hubbard, who believes that people are actually immortal spiritual beings who have forgotten their true nature. They promote spiritual rehabilitation through a type of counselling often referred as auditing.(So says wikipedia at I don't really know if they've really managed to interact with one another 500,000 might seem like a really big number but seriously, compared to figures such as 1.8 billion muslims, 2.1 billion christians, it's beginning to seem like peanuts now huh? Ok point aside what about big names like Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, John Travolta just to name a few? DO THEY actually mingle with the others? Assuming they do, do they become interdependent with your everyday Janes and Sams of Scientology? Even better, Shared patterns of behavior and a collective identity? Perhaps as believers of Scientology but I guess that's where the line is drawn? Because if that's not the case, I shudder to imagine how many fans would have converted over further beefing up the numbers? (not that they haven't already done so I guess =P)

Can it actually be possible for the religion to meet each and every member's interpersonal needs? Can the decisions they make acutally garner full support from all of it's members? Can it really assume all members to act as per will of the religion? Are roles of a group (other than follower =P) really assigned to each and every member of the group? You might insist that they might not be qualified, but surely amongst say 450,000 everyday run-of-the-mill believers, surely there must be people capable of doing things that can acutally benefit the development of this so-called 'group'?

What say you now that you've seen my take on the issue?


  1. U mean religious groups? If they have common goals and collective patterns of behaviour, why not? Actually i feel that religion is more of a individual thing rather than a group thing definitely unable to meet each and every member's interpersonal needs. Religion is a sensitive issue to start off so i wont go too much into depth.

  2. I agree on what hui yong asy. Religion is more of an individual thing rather then a group. However, people do classify them into group like christian, Buddhism, etc.

  3. As far as I know, I do not think Religious group is considered a term? Hmm... got to think a little more on that, but anyway, personally, maybe Religion is more like a believe and we cant really classify each individual into specific groups, especially with Religion being such a subjective topic. (: And about the question of Religion meeting each individuals needs, personally I feel the need for Religion is not that people have so much free time so they go in search for one, rather it is essential for their lives, it guides them with the decisions they make, their life long goals, and almost every aspect of their life. And most of the time, Religion prepares people for live after death, so when it comes to such a topic a lot of different ideas could be pointed out. (: << I think I drifted away a bit sorry.

  4. kelvin,

    i ll say it is religion that brings people together. cause having something in common, kinds of unite people.

    of course, one will need to have his religion first. but i ll like to see it a as a group, when you re really committed in one.

    but then again, we all have different perspectives. :))

  5. I think this all boils down to your definition of a group. For example, the very very first meaning of gay is probably "happy". Heck, even the dictionary lists it as "happy" before homosexuality. But yet, gay is almost never used nowadays to mean happy but rather to refer to homosexuality. So even if your dictionary definition of group is correct, how the populace views and uses the word may be different. Right now, I think it just means a large bunch of people who are related somehow. So, who is right? The entire world? or the English professors still using their dictionary?

  6. -Hui Yong-> Honestly, I feel that religion has always been packaged as a group, but then again it's once again down to how you view it i guess... There's always a leader/spiritual leader/spiritual figure, and a legion of followers in most if not all of the religions in the world yea? Correct me if I'm wrong to say this, but don't they all profess to take care of each and every member of their religion?

    -Anonymous-> Come on! Haha you're barely touching the waters here! Tell me you deep dark thoughts with regards to religion! =D

    -Valerie-> I don't know for sure though, but go to any search engine, and type in 'religious groups', and a comprehensive list of religions appear, not to mention they're often classified as religious groups by news reports, newspapers etc? Correct me if I'm I've went wrong here, but this has always been my perception with regards to religion =) Honestly majority of the people I've known are 'born' into their religions, meaning they have no choice with regards to it. Perhaps all the stuff one goes through during mass, praying sessions, etc all prepares one for life after death, but with regards to decision-making, how so? With regards to scientology, I feel that these people are mainly those that have been 'converted'. If religion is that important to all, then why is conversion allowed?

  7. -Karen-> This committment thing you are talking about, how do you actually define this word 'commit'? Does attending church deligently counts as committing? Does being in a same group actually decrease the proximity of 2 people who were previously unacquainted?

    -Charliemoo->Haha the word gay has been tainted! =P (no offense to anybody that has different sexual preferences reading this comment!) People are using the word to describe others as if they are of a different breed, when it's clearly not the case! Anywayz haha tell me moo, do you have like a cow god or something? =D Tell us about how you actually view religion dude! =)

  8. @Kelvin: Er let me ask you some questions to prove my point. Do you visit the church for personal reasons/needs? How does the group do things together to achieve a common goal (collective behaviour)? If you're going to say prayer isnt it really more to the personal side rather than group? Do you guys experience different emotions together as a group? Whats the final goal as a group? No offence to people with religion. My 1cent point of view.

  9. -Hui Yong-> Whoa... Hope I didn't hit anything there! With regards to your question, perhaps they meet, to achieve spiritual satisfaction? After all mental well-being's definintely one of the most important steps to good health! =) Besides they probably do have other goals in mind too! As I've mentioned too, does attaining life-after-death counts towards a common goal too? =) It's probably rather intrinsic I'd say, but that's what most religions do right? Spiritual Solace!

  10. While reading your post, I could not stop thinking about the disturbing article I read about the Peoples Temple.

    Surely, I would not want any religious group to be associated with something sad, unjust and inhumane. Because the leaders secluded its members and instilled into them a mindset of 'us versus them', most of the members acted upon what the leaders commanded. And not only did they follow sacredly, they actually believed that there is no other option.

    And if we delve into the teachings of other religions we do have certain things that are listed as norms and guidelines on how we should live our life. But ultimately, we are also given the power of choice.

    Sure there are times when I fail to go to church, or violate some guidelines that have been set. However, when I think about it, without my religion, I would feel like living without a backbone.

  11. hmmm... I think religion is a group (group with the original meaning which is a collection of individuals who, as a result of interacting with one another over time, become interdependent, developing shared patterns of behavior and a collective identity)... But of course, there are agents that could affect this, say location and social class for instance which has a great impact on the interdependent thing.

    By the way, yeah, Tom Cruise didnt make so much impact on me... haha... It's just now that I found out about Scientology, thanks for the added knowledge!

    Just to answer some questions of kelvin (this are just my opinion)...

    Can it actually be possible for the religion to meet each and every member's interpersonal needs? >>>it's possible for them to meet each other but not really EVERY member literally as i've said awhile ago, factors such as location, social status, and other beliefs also play a role in this...

    Can the decisions they make acutally garner full support from all of it's members? >> not always but Im quite sure they consider it and think about it...

    Can it really assume all members to act as per will of the religion? >> no. why? because everyone thinks and have their freewill...

    Just to add, here in the Philippines, majority of the population in the southern part(mindanao) are Muslims. And as I said, I think religion is a group but within a group, there will always be subgroups. So there's a subgroup called 'AS'. They work together, almost all live together and they believe in one goal... :)

    P.S. I was in Bandung too that time!
