Sunday, March 8, 2009


Imagine this scenario 15 years down the road, in Caracas, Venezuela: 2 venezuelan kids after a tiring game of soccer, 'Hey damn hungry la, lets go get a couple of Ramly Burgers' or 2 icelanders after clubbing in Reykjavik, Iceland, 'it's freezing how about a cup of tea tarik, and some laksa?' Plausible? Macdonalds have proven that it is no longer a dream to have eateries across more than half the world. Ask yourself, my dear readers, have you been to a country whereby Macdonald's cannot be found? How many of us still retain fond memories of ourselves opening up a happy meal box, taking out the toy, along with the fries and the ham/cheeseburger when we were young? It is not entirely impossible for Ramly to set up a chain of stores, expanding to neighbouring regions before conquering Asia, and then the world! It has already started by invading the shores of Singapore (albeit illegally), from it's humble beginnnings in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. Soon Ramly will become a global phenomenon! What say you?
No says the Cultural Imperialism Theory! It states that Western nations dominate the media around the world which in return has a powerful effect on Third World Cultures by imposing on them Western views and therefore destroying their native cultures. this is a theory that is first made known by Herb Schiller. Note that the key words to this theory is Western nations, and their powerful effects on Third World Cultures. If we look at it from another angle, it is sort of suggesting that powerful first world countries, upon imposing their culture onto the weaker third world countries, slowly erodes away their native cultures. As more and more people from the smaller country itself embraces the bigger country's culture, the remnants of the original culture in the country will disappear. Interesting is it not, that such a 'murder' of sorts is allowed to get away scott-free, to think that such poisons (of sorts) are actually sugar coated by the media, and passed on to third world countries in the form of financial, economical stimulus?

Double Ramly VS Big Mac?
Probably not as epic as it would seem on paper >.<

Ways to erode into the native culture: first through the food they eat, next to the clothes they wear, then the language they speak, before finally, the way they think. Back to our Ramly debacle, Malaysia is at best a developing country, not to mention a muslim country, in order for her to successfully impose cultural imperialism, it will need to first convert the country's faith, before she can successfully impose her culture upon them. Double the work, hence double the chances of failure. The recently slew of terrorism flying the islamic flag too does the religion itself no justice, as they have successfully put the religion itself under the microscope, in a bad light. With the majority of the world subscribing to American views, Americanism has in a way established a stranglehold on the cultural imperialism front, making it extremely difficult bordering upon virtually impossible for any other form of culture to impose themselves on the smaller, poorer countries.

Here you go one last question for you my dear readers, what do you think the answer will be if say during the world cup in South Africa, one asks the natives if they know what/where Malaysia is as opposed to America?


  1. Ramly burgers are nicer than McDonalds in my point of view but lack of sufficient capital to globalize the name. What do you think of cultural imperialism? Is it good or bad in your opinion?

  2. I think all these boils down to publicity. Ramly burger may be nicer then macdonald but not known to other as it is not publicize well enough.

  3. -Hui Yong remember a certain fast food chain known as A&W? They have tried to knock off the big boys in Singapore and they have failed miserably. The big boys are definitely capable of cutting prices and starving off competition from any newcomers into the lucrative fast food industry. As you have said capital is of paramount importance, but seriously how many people in the world actually possess the financial muscle to fight off Macdonalds, much less KFC, Macdonalds, and Burger King together? A&W have came and past, MOS burger's survived, as they have established themselves as a different type of fast food here in Singapore, Yoshinoya's trying so is Long John's Silvers. But comparatively they are nothing much compared to the dominance of the Big 3.

    Next moving on to Cultural Imperialism personally I feel that it should be stopped at all costs. Imagine a world in which it's inhabitants are homogenous, speak with an American accent, clad in designer labels, eat Macdonalds, and immerse themselves in the great American pasttime of watching TV. Wouldn't the world be a boring place to live in? Wouldn't it take out color from the vibrant world we are living in? (Despite the ongoings at the gaza strip, the world-wide hunt of Osama Bin Laden, (in local context we have Mas Selamat!) Tamil Tigers, the ongoings in East Timor, etc?) Not to mention imagine the disappearance of Dialect, and Chinese becoming a third language that would be sad, how about languages such as Zulu disappearing? Depressing thoughts huh? So people let's rally together and fight off cultural imperialism!! (Easier said then done but i guess we'll have to start somewhere huh?)

    -Anonymous Hmm perhaps you are right with regards to publicity, but do not forget that Ramly is not exactly a high profit business, in fact it's probably miniscule compared to the other fast food chains, so it's almost impossible for it to compete against the rest, save for some huge cash injections!

  4. very interesting way of discussing cultural imperialism.

    cultural imperialism has indeed taken it's root in many nations around the global. comparing a double ramly burger to a big mac(anyone you have a double big mac shown;not a normal big mac), it's a very good example..

    as for your question: what will those avid football fans think of malaysia compared to the states? well.. i guess it would be left up to you to answer when you go for your World Cup 09 later this year (:

  5. I think ramly burger is nicer than Macs actually, ha but I think that's just us Singaporeans. "No says the Cultural Imperialism Theory! It states that Western nations dominate the media around the world which in return has a powerful effect on Third World Cultures by imposing on them Western views and therefore destroying their native cultures. this is a theory that is first made known by Herb Schiller."
    - When you mention this, it does somewhat feels disappointing, it feels like the day Western culture completely takes over Singapore, or the rest of Asia for that matter might come pretty soon. I guess it might be the media that influences us to think that the West is more superior than say Asia for example. And to answer your question, it isnt possible but rather something Big has to happen for a change to move towards that way.


    -rant- -rant- -rant-

    Ok.. got that out of my system. Very interesting, very chim. Seriously never thought of that. I suppose there are a few reasons for the failure of asian chains to make an impact in western territory.

    1) Taking over other countries has always been a western thing. Colonization? Western. Invading other countries? Western. We prefer to keep our wars internal.

    2) As you say, Western nations dominate the media, largely due to the common use of English. Hopefully this could change when China makes it as a super power.

    3)Ramly burgers will lose their feel when they become globalized. Firstly, angmohs will start to cook them. Then, they'll start to shrink. Then they'll get more expensive. Then they'll look like just another macdonald's burger.

  7. -> Charliemoo!! Haha i'm surprised by the insightful comment from a cow!! Clearly you are exhibiting cannibalistic tendencies there, becareful with what you eat, I have to say though that's a brillant way of summing it up =) then again imagine having to eat ramly's at $6.50 with a medium softdrink of choice, and fries >.< sheesh definitely taking away the flavor of Ramly's there.

    -Valerie-> Kelvin agrees with you with regards to the exquisite taste of the Ramly burger however sinful it might be. Honestly not many people in the world are capable of crossing swords with Macdonalds, and getting away unscathed. Not to mention with the likes of KFC and Burger King waiting in the wings to add on to your list of troubles. =P It takes a brave and powerful man to add on the Mac's list of competitors.

    -Communicazions-> Haha thanks for correcting me with regards to the Dbl Big Mac, there =) Luckily With regards to soccer, Malaysian Prime League is comparable to the US soccer league, as the main sports you have over there are football, basketball, hockey and baseball. I guess there's growing awareness over there in the states, perhaps I'll be able to record a change in perception with regards to soccer in World Cup 2010 South Africa? Be glad to update ya with regards to the trip =)

  8. Assumptions my dear Kelvinmoo! I never said I have eaten or have any desire of eating said burgers. EAT MORE CHICKEN!!

    Anyway, one more point. You guys know about the Singapore noodles? Its amazing because westerners know about it but most Singaporeans don't have a clue what it is. In fact, it is some bland noodles with not much "liao" on it, which is completely anti-Singapore food culture. Do asians really want to penetrate such a bizarre market?

  9. I think it is possible for Ramly burger outlets to open all the world over, but it requires the kind of capital that Malaysia, as a Newly Industrialised Country, is unlikely to have.

    After all, Zara originated from the Middle East and now has outlets in America, Singapore and the United Kingdom.

  10. this post really invokes some degree of thought in me. is cultural imperialism a bane or boon to the world? i personally believe it isnt too bad, so long as the country knows how to retain the core of the heritage. however, this is rarely seen in singapore, as our heritage continues to be effaced in place of western consumerist values. i might sound exaggerated, but how many of our youth today really know about our country's history and culture, and more importantly, how many are interested?

  11. Haha but it's rather difficult to compare fashion to the food and beverages industry huh? Zara was a success globally, as they have already been dominating the middle-eastern markets, which is easily 20 times the size of say Singapore and Malaysia. Besides I honestly cannot fathom why would Macdonalds allow a competitor to remain unscathed until it has established a stranglehold in the industry itself yea? Which is not something say Armani, could do to Zara...

    Honestly, at the rate cutural imperialism erodes the original culture of the country, it's highly unlikely that the country in question is able to retain the core of it's heritage. People embrace the western values for a multitude of reasons, women for example would want their rights, politicians would use it as a stepping stone to be elected etc... It's not possible to undo say Americanism and revert back to the country's roots, as such a lifestyle appeal to people... They can do away with their rules, and obligations, and concentrate on just enjoying their lives! Heck even parents are not allowed to punish their kids physically, which kid would agree to revert back to their roots? =P

    I definitely agree with the point you've made there with regards to youth being ignorant about our country's history and culture. Lack of interest definitely rears it's ugly head here =P
