Initially I was poking around looking for the maximum reported avatars owned by a person, didn't manage to find an article regarding that, thinking back now, that is rather idiotic, as creating avatars online is not exactly a difficult task, anybody can own avatars up to hundreds, even thousands. It's more of actually assuming these identities online. I think it's quite safe to assume that if say Kelvin has 300 hundred different avatars online, it's possible, but if Kelvin's to assume 300 different identities one after another, he will either go crazy, self-induce Schizophrenia, or fail at the attempt to assume different personas.
The DITF experiment sounds appealing. MMORPGs fans if you have done it right, the marketplace's yours for the picking! Brillant way to make $$ huh? By making a big, impossible request, before coming up with a moderate one after being rejected.. However, it never seems to work out for me =(. Lack of Ethos, Pathos, Logos there?
Disappointing looks like i better pay more attention doing communications classes.
As mentioned in the article, appearance, race, gender too affects such decisions too... 'Numerous studies done in the real world show that people are more uncomfortable with minorities and are less likely to help them' Morale of the story practice gender-bending if you are a male, and go with the flow with regards to appearance, unless you've managed to create a character that's hot/appealing in cyberworld terms, not to mention carful with the skin color there, lest one is subjected to some form of racial discrimination, etc.

Thank you all for the comments and help metted out.. Hope you've enjoyed the entries I've put up for you there =)